Saturday, September 25, 2010

Allowing for the unimagined-A Thought Of Shalom For Shabbat

Shalom Beautiful SoulSista,

I am here sitting and pondering in my monthly time of rest ;) thinking on all the awesome things HaShem is doing in my life, in my home and in the world. I am deeply grateful for the many things that have come about in my life. But the most frighteningly awesome has been the unimagined. The places unimagined, the people, the path and the journey. UNIMAGINABLE!!! When I decided to be true to who I am, to the call and gifting in my soul things have been moving and shaking. 

As I have stepped out in faith believing the plans he has for me and mine, the inner world of my home has shifted. We have made space for the unimaginable to happen. And instead of operating in fear, instead of seeing things through the eyes of "Am I doing the right thing" we are following the leading of HaShem coming from within. It is absolutely friggin amazing, really amazing. 

I don't know if you get what I mean, 

you know that constant worry of missing G-d? 

Of your journey looking different and so it seems unlikely because it doesn't look like_______. 

How many of us have lived frozen or stagnant? 

How many of us have imposed on others our ideas of the will of G-d for______ ?

What if instead of deferring the vision to others and or to the box we have seen things packaged in, we chose to trust what has been deposited in our hearts. And begin to move in the direction of the unimaginable.  

Just writing that to me is beautiful and full of possibility. Imagine all the different doors that would open up if I opened up wider to the verse-"No eye has seen".

So I write to share this little challah with you SoulSista, to encourage you as my SoulSista to release and cling to the wings of your creator. Trust, faith, hope making forward movements.

It's Time.........


  1. Loved reading this, sister! You are so encouraging. It's awesome to hear how God is working in your life, heart & home. He is SO good!!

    Love to you! <3

  2. I posted a video on my art blog along with an update of where I am with the Artistic Mother projects.


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