Thursday, November 19, 2009

Medicine Making Time

So I am feeling better and able to get out of the bed. I don't like being out of commission and although I still get neck stiffness and my shoulder blades ache sometimes, I am able to move around. I think my Dr. And I still need to figure out the inflamation part but otherwise it feels good to be cleaning and taking care of my home.

I am also about to make some tinctures. I love the medicine making part of being an herbalist. I have sanitized my jars and am going to make;

1-elderberry tincture and then turn into a syrup.
For this cold season.

2-white willow bark tincture. For headaches and pain.

3-a golden seal tea for a sinus wash. We all suffer from sinus stuff.

4-peppermint glycerite. My sons tummy gets upset and I am not fond of the alchohol one, especially if taken with frequency! ;)

5-honeggar which is a mix of honey and vinegar, but I intend to infuse both the vinegar and the honey.

Hopefully next year I will do this in august, which I think is the right time to get that going.

Until later


  1. I admire your dedication; i so hope you are feeling better soon!
    Take Care Angelique!

  2. The honeggar is for colds, congestion, sinusy stuff. The honey is going to be infused with onions and garlic. The vinegar will be infused maybe with thyme, because it is good for throats. Then you mix them together and to create a syrup.
    Thanks to the honey it sweet enough to mask the rest!!! LOL


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