Thursday, May 28, 2009

Akeret HaBayit In Practice Resources

Shalom Again Dearest Friends,

Last night as I had trouble sleeping, I couldn't help pondering on the post before this one on Shavuot. I often struggle with expressing myself in writing, not because of lack of things to say!!! LOL But because I know the power of words and equally I do not desire this blog to be a place where preaching happens I just want to share this journey with you. As An Akeret HaBayit In Practice it has not been without challenges as my home has become more observant. In this blog I wanted to share these experiences with you. The learning curve as we grow in our Torah Observance and beautify our homes with traditions that will be passed on. My desire and my priorities are HaShem, My family, and all else. And as each feast comes along there is growing and well, more growing. I want to share some of the resources I hold dear to me, I go to them over and over to help me run a home that brings honor to Abba. I continue to see wisdom in tradition and the concept of continuity is to me a blessing.

So here goes:

How To Run A Traditional Jewish Household by Blu Greenberg- I can't say enough of this resource, it is fabulous. She takes you step by step. It is truly a guide.

It's About Time by Nechama Berg/Chaya Levine- A modern answer to the management of a home, one of the things I love about this book are it's details. I am a very detailed person and if your going to help me give me the step by step details. Again how do observant homes manage without it??? I don't know. But it is my second best!!! This website and her e-books will blow your mind away. It is very practical and step by step. She makes it simple!! I love that and her emails are always encouraging. She breaks running a home down and especially when it comes to the feast.

I realize that it is not everyone's cup of tea! But I enjoy having a framework to work from. As the feast come about I like to pull out my resources and do some planning. I find that if you have a good idea of the traditional expressions and UNDERSTAND them you can work from that place.
I hope you find some of these resources helpful. Not having been raised in a religious Jewish home these books gave me the grandmother and the walk through. B'zrat HaShem I will be able to teach my children and then it will be passed on to their children!!!And we can continue to redeem the generations back to Abba.

Shalom in Yeshua

Lady Lavender

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