Sunday, March 23, 2008


What are we doing on our Shabbats are we planning? Are we deciding to use our Shabbats as an assigned time to catch up on our leisurely reading? Is there anything wrong with doing those things, well let's think about that. What is Shabbat? Is it not an appointed time of rest which G-d created for you? If it is an appointed time it already has a purpose. It almost seems we need to control even that. How would your day look if you lit your candles, have your meal, challah and other Shabbat beautifying services. And wow, then you actually rest!!!! I mean do nothing, plan nothing. Change the pace and shut off the noise! In our home we have shut off the t.v., the computer, and video games. We want to be available to hear, see and enjoy our world. Are your Shabbats full of busyness and chaos just like your week? Trust me I know how that feels. So I have made a decision to cease from work. I am a homeschooling, homekeeping, and addicted to books mama. I realized I must cease from what I may enjoy doing but is still work! There needs to be a difference in this appointed time from the rest of the week. Would we be willing to lay down our ideas and perfect looking days for G-d appointed rest? If worship spills out of your mouth Baruch H-shem, If you and the family go for a leisure walk in the park, HalleluY-h!!!!!!!
And if you sleep in and wonder in your home still in jamas, well be careful with uninvited guest. LOL

In Y-shua

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Very nice post. I love shabbat, although I am not a big fan of erev Shabbat, Thank G-d for my girls who help me with everything and my oldest who does most if not all of the cooking these days. Working outside of the home makes it difficult to get everything done, but it does all get done. Shabbat is a time and a space outside of our own, an alternate dimension if you will. Lighting the candles and saying the bracha immediately puts a sigh of relief on my lips and I know for the next 24 hours I am accountable to noone and nothing outside this dimension. It is a day of rest and a day of reconnection and I am grateful for this time Hashem has given us. Blessings to you and yours!


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